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Living Green


Living green refers to adopting a lifestyle and making conscious choices that prioritize sustainability, environmental responsibility, and the preservation of our planet. It is a collective effort by all, rather than just an individual effort. However, we embark on a sustainable path through individual undertakings - and it all begins at home. We create eco homes with the hope that our clients will carry on with our goal of creating a more sustainable way of living. We understand that simply being on the planet is causing an impact, but there are various ways we can work towards lowering our carbon footprint. Living green is an ongoing pursuit, but it's a wonderful journey to be on.

So, How Do I Live Green?

There are numerous ways you can live green. We understand that everyone's situation is unique and not everyone can immediately change their way of living. We hope you read through the list below and carefully consider what you are able to do to start living your green life.


Living Green...
It's Easy If You Try

List 1: Something for Everyone
List 2: If You Can Invest More Time and Effort

Something for Everyone:


1) Conserve energy: 

  • Turn off lights when not in use,

  • Swap conventional light bulbs with energy-efficient light bulbs,

  • Unplug electronics when not in use.

2) Reduce water usage:

  • Don't leave the tap running if you're not using it,

  • Take shorter showers,

  • Use a bucket to collect rainwater as a resource for gardening. Collecting rainwater is sustainable and resourceful, it reduces your overall carbon footprint by conserving water and reusing a natural resource. We provide rainwater buckets to our new home buyers.

3) Practice mindful waste management:

  • Review Ontario's recycle and waste management guidelines here,

  • Compost food waste and yard trimmings to minimize landfill contributions (learn to compost),

4) Consume consciously:

  • Choose products with minimal packing or packaging that can be recycled,

  • Buy locally sourced and seasonal food items.

5) Go green in cleaning:

  • Use eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning products,

  • Make your own eco-friendly cleaning products using natural, common household, ingredients (find out how).

6) Reduce, reuse, repurpose:

  • Buy second-hand items, 

  • Donate or sell things you no longer need (Facebook Marketplace or Kijiji are easy ways of doing this),

  • Repair or repurpose items instead of throwing them away.

7) Educate and inspire others:

  • Share your green living practices with family, friends, and thee community to raise awareness and inspire others to adopt sustainable habits.

If You Can Invest More Time and Effort:

1) Conserve energy: 

  • Consider home upgrades that will boost energy efficiency

    • ​Enbridge Gas and the Government of Canada’s Greener Homes Grant has partnered up to provide the
      Home Efficiency Rebate Plus where you can receive up to $10,000 for upgrades to your home. 

  • Swap conventional light bulbs with energy-efficient light bulbs,

  • Unplug electronics when not in use.

2) Reduce water usage:

  • Repair leaky taps,

  • Replace old toilets,

  • Install low-flow shower heads.

3) Practice mindful waste management:

4) Consume consciously:

  • Choose products with minimal packing or packaging that can be recycled,

  • Buy locally sourced and seasonal food items.

5) Go green in cleaning:

  • Use eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning products,

  • Make your own eco-friendly cleaning products using natural, common household, ingredients (find out how).

6) Reduce, reuse, repurpose:

  • Buy second-hand items, 

  • Donate or sell things you no longer need (Facebook Marketplace or Kijiji are easy ways of doing this),

  • Repair or repurpose items instead of throwing them away.

7) Educate and inspire others:

  • Share your green living practices with family, friends, and thee community to raise awareness and inspire others to adopt sustainable habits.

[ Coming soon: a downloadable PDF Living Green Guide ]

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